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Recipe of the week:an anti-aging rose serum

Inspired by Tiphanie Carbonnier of Aroma-Zone, the recipe of the week consists of concocting her homemade serum with… rose. Antioxidant and regenerating, beauty is highly prized by traditional cosmetics for its anti-aging qualities. When it is in the form of vegetable oil, that is to say extracted from the seeds of the Rosehip, it contains another key active ingredient:retinol. Bonus:symbol of love, purity and inner peace, it gives energy and harmonizes.

Ingredients and tools:

30 to 50 ml of rosehip vegetable oil

1-2 drops of rose essential oil

An amber glass bottle (to protect the active ingredients from UV rays)

The recipe:

Carefully mix the carrier oil with the essential oil. Pour into the bottle. Use a few drops on clean face, before applying your day and/or night cream. This serum is kept for 3 months in an airtight bottle and protected from light. You can also put it in the fridge.

Where to find utensils and raw materials? On the excellent website