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The SmoothSkin pulsed light epilator

Let's talk about pulsed light hair removal

I find you today for a new beauty article and above all a great discovery. Several weeks ago, I was offered to test the pulsed light epilator from the SmoothSkin brand. I tell you right away:I'm a quiche in hair removal, I'm cozy and not very patient. I don't know much about it so the idea of ​​testing this semi-permanent hair removal method seemed really interesting to me. So I started!

Besides, I found a lot of answers to my questions in this article:"The 13 most frequently asked questions". I recommend it if you ever want to know more. So today I come back to more than 8 weeks of hair removal in pulsed light with a short summary of my experience. I hope this article can also help you learn more about this method of hair removal with a complete "customer experience" of my own. Happy reading!


IPL hair removal, how does it work?

When you purchase the SmoothSkin epilator, it comes with a detailed user manual. So rest assured:don't panic, you won't be lost. Even so, you will follow my advice in this article. I will try to be concise and clear in my explanations. The device comes in an oval shape, easy to hold . Just plug it in and it starts immediately, no need to wait a while with it like other heating devices. The brand promises a session of 10 minutes maximum .

Before starting your session:

  • Shave the area before using the device and do not apply any cream or other product
  • Do this in a lit room (natural light if possible), because of the rays

You can also read it in the instructions:it is essential to shave the area to be treated before starting the session. The pulsed light epilator will in no way pull out your hair or shave it like an electric epilator. On the contrary, it will eliminate your hairdirectly at the root located under the skin thanks to the beam, which is why the surface must be completely smooth. So shave before but do not apply cream or deodorant to the area before the session. You can do it afterwards without problems.

At the level of the lit room, it is simply to prevent the rays from damaging your eyes. In the dark, the radiation will be much more intense, which seems logical. But even in a lighted room, avoid looking directly at the ray or intensely, for my part I turn my head a little. But you can also buy specific glasses. Then don't worry, these rays won't make you blind if you follow basic logical rules (like when we say not to face the sun).

Start waxing

We start the session, you just have to place the device glued to your skin and very vertically. The SmoothSkin epilator is very intuitive and will emit a red light if you are not well placed on the area. It will be blue if your placement is correct. Then just gently slide the device on the area while keeping the button pressed. Small flashes will be emitted which correspond to the destructive action of the hairs.

To know:

  • You can iron up to 3 times maximum on the same area
  • The ray is hot but does not burn

You will see by trying that it is very fast in reality , for my part, I really take 10 minutes to do both legs and only a few seconds for the armpits. In terms of pain, you feel a little heat, but not burning .

I did not feel any pain in the legs, some tingling in the knees and armpits because they are more sensitive areas. But given that we only stay there for a few seconds, it's totally bearable (say a sissy).

Finally, in terms of the rhythm of the sessions, SmoothSkin advises to leave about 1 week and a half between each. For my part, I started like that and now I do once a week whenever it suits me.

My experience and results

As I told you above, I used the SmoothSkin Bare pulsed light epilator for more than 8 weeks , approximately once a week. I didn't miss any sessions. I started with the legs and for three weeks I tried the armpits. Personally, I find it a very easy to use device that is not restrictive.

The session is really fast , I really take 10 minutes for both legs, in front of a little Youtube video it goes away on its own. Personally, I'm not patient for this sort of thing and I find the constraints to be minimal, even if you have to spend some time shaving beforehand.

Compared to the results on the legs, I noticed very quickly a slowdown in hair regrowth , that's quite impressive. Compared to a classic shave that must be repeated every two days minimum (especially in summer), I have greatly gained 4-5 days since I have been using pulsed light. My hair grows back much less quickly, so believe me that I will still continue this program. For the armpits, I saw results on regrowth from the first use, impressive!

The SmoothSkin epilator has completely removed hair on certain parts of my legs:they don't grow anymore . This is not the case everywhere, but I will continue the sessions (I will update the article if necessary). Afterwards, personally having such a result on the regrowth of hair in general and the elimination of some I find that it is already enormous.

Let's not forget that this is a semi-permanent hair removal method. , it's not laser. But clearly, for this summer, waxing every four days instead of one or two, it will be very pleasant, don't you think?


I am satisfied with the results obtained with the SmoothSkin pulsed light epilator. I wasn't expecting a miracle product, but it's exactly what I wanted:a gentle method of hair removal, but which eliminates hair over time (be patient) and slows down regrowth for better "living comfort" if I may say so.

Should I recommend it to you? Yes 100%, for those who, like me, swear by the razor and who are sometimes fed up. And also for those who fear more aggressive hair removal methods or who have sensitive skin, you can go for it!

Useful link:SmoothSkin pulsed light epilator, 249 euros at Darty or on Amazon

Have you heard of pulsed light hair removal? Tell me about your experience