Today I show you how to get rid of hair in your ears !
So when it comes to a simple down, it's still fine.
But when they become thick and long, there it is not very aesthetic.
They appear especially in men between 30 and 60 years old...
...and it can generate significant social embarrassment!
If you are concerned, you have certainly wondered what was the best way to get rid of it?
So what to do? Is it better to cut them, depilate them or even burn them (not with a lighter, huh!) with a laser?
Having been invaded by hair myself, well I give you the solutions that work best.
Discover 5 tips that work to eradicate them in the ears. Watch:
The easiest and most effective way to trim ear hair is to use clippers.
This is especially a good idea when you have a lot of them.
The trimmer is most of the time equipped with a small tip that is easily inserted inside the ear.
It is also effective for cutting hair on the auricle and lob of the ear.
The main advantage is that the trimmer cuts the protruding hairs without pulling them out.
The operation is therefore painless.
This technique, however, requires repeating the operation quite often, as they grow back fairly quickly.
Question hygiene, do not forget to disinfect the mower in case of loan to avoid any microbial contagion.
If hairs are present inside your ears, they must be removed very gently.
Otherwise, you risk causing microlesions in the ear canal.
We therefore avoid using tweezers in a place as sensitive as the inside of the ear.
On the other hand, for the hairs located around the ear (what is called the pavilion), no problem.
Tweezers clearly do the trick when you don't have a lot of hair.
In addition, with this technique, they grow back less quickly, because the root is torn out.
Be careful though, it can hurt quite a bit when you pull on the hair.
For hair removal, I advise you to call on a third person to help you (your wife for example).
It's much easier than doing it yourself, believe me.
The laser is a radical solution to permanently eradicate hair.
However, this technique is not applicable for the inside of the ear, which is too sensitive.
We are too close to the eardrum so we have to be careful.
The laser technique is particularly effective on dark outer hair.
Operation is simple. The Laser targets melanin (the hair pigment) to pull out the root better.
Thanks to this technique, the hair no longer grows once treated.
A little extra info that is important:a session costs between 70 and 100€...
A little in the same register as for the laser, electric hair removal is quite radical.
This device allows you to take care of slightly less visible hairs that are white or gray.
The technique consists of inserting a small needle at the base of the hair.
This then launches an electrical pulse that burns the root.
All you have to do is take tweezers to remove the hair, which is easily removed since it is dead.
If you don't want to bother cutting the hair, there is another solution:that of bleaching it!
For this, I invite you to look at these tried and tested grandmother's tricks.
They become invisible just with natural products.
No need for expensive and harmful chemicals.
Well, you should know that there are facial discoloration kits...
They are generally used to whiten women's mustaches, but they can also be used for ear hair.
This type of product is particularly indicated in cases where they are very dark.
We pass the cream on the affected areas and 10 minutes later, they become transparent.
Before you start trimming your hair, you have to prepare the ground if I may say so.
Take a cotton swab, dip it in a saline solution and gently clean the contours of the ear.
Regardless of the technique used to cut the hairs, equip yourself with a magnifying mirror to see them better.
Make sure you're in a well-lit room, too.
After hair removal, redness may appear.
In this case, all you have to do is apply a little soothing cream to get everything back to normal.
The 5 tips seen above should allow you to remove hair from your ears without any problem.
Other alternatives exist, but I strongly advise against them.
For example, I know that depilatory creams are practical.
But you should never use this wax for the ears!
It could flow into the orifice and cause irritation.
Another thing to avoid; that of using scissors, a razor or even a lighter.
The earlobes are very fragile and you can very quickly cut or burn yourself...
If you really want to use scissors, take this kind of product with a round end instead.
Having hair in the ears is in no way medically worrisome.
It's even normal in aging men.
Nevertheless, I still have to tell you about a disorder called hypertrichosis.
Simply put, it's the excessive growth of hair in an area of the body that shouldn't have any.
Your torso, for example, may be completely hairless (beardless), yet have a small area full of hair.
Well this can also happen on the ear; this is called atrial hypertrichosis.
Generally, it is the flag of the ear and especially the edge that is affected.
This disorder is genetic and only affects men.
But it can also be the consequence of drug treatment.
Some medications have the side effect of causing hypertrichosis.
In this case, talk to your doctor to find treatment alternatives.
Good already and FYI we all have hairy ears.
We don't necessarily see them, because most of the time it's just a little transparent down that is present.
Except that over time they become longer, denser and above all darker.
That's when they get noticed and you get a few sometimes mocking looks.
But contrary to legend, having them in your ears has nothing to do with hormones (especially testosterone).
These are hairs that simply have a long life cycle that we let grow.
Those present inside the ears have a use, like the hairs of the nose elsewhere.
They filter out small dirt and dust that could get in and filter out sounds.
The problem is when these hairs become too many in the ear canal.
It can block earwax and create plugs or otitis externa.