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Fashion &Upcycling:why get started?

A variant of recycling, upcycling refers to the art of upgrading existing fabrics, clothes, or materials – and ready to go in the trash –, by creating quality pieces from them and/or greater utility than the original part. Driven by talented young designers, who have made upcycling their hobbyhorse, the idea of ​​a more eco-responsible fashion has been making its way over the past few years on social networks, among individuals and professionals alike. And while many Internet users are advocating this new consumer economy based on DIY, which is both ultra-creative and extremely ecological, some (large) luxury houses are also getting started.

So, what are the good reasons to start upcycling and give new use to your old clothes? We tell you everything.

Upcycling offers an eco-responsible mode of consumption

The approach is, first and foremost, ecological. Like recycling, upcycling is part of a desire to reuse an existing, damaged and/or vintage fabric or garment, to give it a second life. From an environmental point of view, this means not only a massive reduction in waste, but also a drastic reduction in industrial production. Indeed, when you "upcycle" your fabric pieces, you also lower your consumption levels , since you don't buy new clothes as much as you used to. As a result, the need for energy and raw materials to supply industrial production is reduced, which has a considerable positive impact on the environment.

Upcycling allows you to spend less

Upcycling is obviously the preferred mode of consumption for those who want to save money. It's very simple, by reusing old materials and old cuts of fabric to produce new pieces for your wardrobe, the budget you allocate to the purchase of new clothes is then considerably reduced. The process of upgrading clothing is also part of a more eco-responsible philosophy of life , against waste, like the very beautiful ELLOZZE women's jumpsuits for example, a brand essentially based on the creation of clothing in upcycled fabrics.

Upcycling promotes the creative process

Upcycling is also a way to reveal the artistic fiber that lies dormant in you. Located halfway between fashion, design, and craftsmanship, it is not limited to the principle of recycling alone. It is rather a real process of creation:because if the main objective is to improve the existing to avoid throwing away and/or spending “unnecessarily”, upcycling also appeals to your imagination. Finding the ideal fabric, cleaning it, reworking it, finding the idea, and, finally, starting the creative process, making “new” with “old” therefore requires time, patience, and a certain amount of creativity. But anything is possible. And you ensure, in the end, a completely new, original, exclusive, economical and ecological piece. Isn't that the whole point of fashion?

Upcycling is a guarantee of exclusivity

If you want to wear unique, exclusive pieces that you will not find anywhere else, then upcycling is a mode of consumption particularly made for you. Because, like handicrafts and other DIY creations, the clothes obtained through this process are 100% unique. And, what a pleasure, in the end, to be able to wear your own creations!

Are you planning to change your curtains? Make old ones a nice tank top for the summer, or scarves for your hair. Do you have old (too) worn jeans that you are about to throw away? Reuse the scraps to make a skirt, or even a trendy little top. To go further in the upcycling process, also know that it is possible to recycle other materials, a priori less "portable"; for example, how about making a brand new bag out of scrap plastic and old rubber tubing? Examples abound on the web, with ever more surprising creations of quality and originality. Thanks to upcycling, you are therefore sure to wear absolutely unique clothes. And finally, rarity and exclusivity is also what so-called classic fashion is looking for.